I too thought that Mr. Trudeau showed some national security chops today, although he can be agonizingly long-winded in getting to some points. I think he displayed credible maturity on the file. In fact, I think the video of his testimony could be usefully shown to political studies students, learning how government runs. My overall impression is that the PM and his senior ministers have a much better grasp of how intelligence dissemination/information sharing processes should work than many of their staff.

I did note one exchange that highlighted, for me, Mr. Trudeau's reluctance to get mean. He quoted one exchange with Mr. Modi, where the latter said something about killing and burying India's enemies. Mr. Trudeau kept referring to Indian bad guys in Canada as being a threat to the security of Canadians, violators of the rule of law, and India's refusal to cooperate as endangering the rules-based international order. I wish he had also said that he told Minister Leblanc, and the RCMP, to hunt the bastards down, take them to court, toss them in jail, and throw away the key. We need more talk of dealing decisively with "Canada's enemies" too. If India won't play, let's get on with doing it ourselves.

The one related issue I think did not get sufficient play, is the fact that Mr. Trudeau has been too tolerant of the extremist element of the Khalistan movement in Canada, who lay at the heart of the Canada-India spat and represent how unchecked multiculturalism can go wrong. The ideal is that immigrant diaspora adapt to Canadian life, but still celebrate positive aspects of their heritage. When immigrant diaspora bring their medieval homeland biases, abhorrent religious, moral, and political preferences, and undemocratic practices to Canada, they should be shut down ruthlessly. Mr. Trudeau hasn't done that.

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Security covers many aspects of Canadian life and reputation. On the FI file a massive inquiry seems to have been needed for the PM and ministers to come forward. Unlikely would Canadians have idea of the interference without such an inquiry. Publicity and openness puts a bright light. But no forthcoming news until placed in the witness box. Military capacity and capabilities is a respected means of security and international regard by allies. The PM has done virtually nothing to expand our capabilities through a strong military. The Australians, Americans and other allies know we bring nothing to the table, and have taken to moving forward on collective security without Canada. Not a PM with a strong interest security except when it seems politically motivated and expedient.

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If it were not for Sam Cooper and his book "Wilful Blindness" the FI issue (and other issues) would not have come to the fore.

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Let us be direct on my assement of your assessment of Trudeau’s FI performance… That’s BullShit

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Oh? That's it? Then my assessment of your assessment is: " ... and you're full of it"

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“I have the names of a number of parliamentarians, former parliamentarians and-or candidates in the Conservative Party of Canada who are engaged (in) or at high risk of or for whom there is clear intelligence around foreign interference,”

Too many "or"s in there. What exactly has he got?

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Lots of oars in the water.

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Indeed he (the PM) is such a hypocrite on this issue it is beyond belief. He knows Conservatives in the report? Okay, how about (the probably many more) Liberals? And what has he done to clean up his party? Oh, sorry, can’t tell that would be a secret. BullShit indeed.

And what about using the Party Police (er, the Mounties) to distract attention just before he is to give this testimony? Nothing on the India file is new and could have been disclosed anytime in the past few weeks or the next few, but then any other timing wouldn’t be as useful as a holiday Monday before he was due to testify. Meanwhile, what about his pandering to the Khalistani Mob? Two wrongs do not make a right, but two things also can be true, and PM Trudeau not getting the

Party Police to clean up all aspects of Indian diaspora politics is disgusting.

Don’t get me started on Chinese interference or Hamas. But thanks finally for outing Samidoun. Now wait for nothing material to be done on that file. #deliverology

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His comment on how the leader needs the security briefing by saying that the Leader has to pick and choose each candidate presented to him or her. Not much of a democratic way of selecting someone from each riding. To much power in the hands of one person, look at the result. 🇨🇦 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 🙏

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The salient facts remain, however. His government has been "diplomatically" chasing the football all over the pitch or not aware of where the ball is. In the mean time, spies and bad actors seem to be scoring goals on an unmanned net. Canada has not experienced a true war on its soil since the Fenian Raids, and thereby governments (and much of the populace) don't seem take potentially existential threats seriously.

As for "none of this could be imagined," this then would seem to demonstrate a real lack of appreciation or preparation for potential crises and threats. Just think back to the Convoy occupation of Ottawa. The police knew in advance that a "train was a comin' "and yet there was a completely inadequate and easily overwhelmed "response." That some people were allowed to desecrate the War Memorial, without immediate penalty, demonstrates a slack attitude toward that would which "could not be imagined."

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Mr Trudeau could vastly increase his credibility on this topic by addressing the weaknesses in the candidate selection process that have been pointed out. Allowing busloads of foreign students to vote on who gets the nomination to run for parliament has been shown to be a major flaw in our electoral system, open to significant manipulation by malign foreign actors.

What about it Prime Minister?

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Assessment sorry

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