We are driving a buggy while Russia is in the new Rolls Royce. Since Patrick's blog posting Russia has brought two new nuclear-powered icebreakers, Arktika and Sibir, into service and a third was launched in, I believe, November of this year.
Rosatomflot has been using one of their their older nuclear icebreakers, 50 Years of Victory, to run summer tourist excursions to the North Pole.
<a href="https://patrickarmstrong.ca/2020/12/21/the-arctic-ocean-is-a-russian-lake/"> The Arctic Ocean is a Russian Lake</a>
We are driving a buggy while Russia is in the new Rolls Royce. Since Patrick's blog posting Russia has brought two new nuclear-powered icebreakers, Arktika and Sibir, into service and a third was launched in, I believe, November of this year.
Rosatomflot has been using one of their their older nuclear icebreakers, 50 Years of Victory, to run summer tourist excursions to the North Pole.