Accepting police certificates from countries of concern is ridiculously naive. Russians protesting Putin's war in Ukraine are criminal by definition and would be rejected in a heartbeat by CBSA.

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I suspect that – as with the criminal law - no significant “reform” of immigration law is likely to take place, until the federal government is prepared to legislate, and to use the “notwithstanding clause” if necessary, to make the law more congruent with the wishes of the public. Until then, the seats occupied by these officials will only be Luke warm. And all the rest is political theatre from a now totally discredited actor and demonstrable fabulist.


[Note: I composed that cynical comment before the new dispatch listing the PMO’s latest “security talking points” - framed in multiplicity and at such a high level of generality as to be virtually meaningless. And, as usual, divorced from any expectation of concrete prophylactic action.

They should stick to promising two billion trees. Because ordinary people just no longer believe any of it; meanwhile, it must be hugely discouraging for those responsible for the actual security plumbing - the group from which disgruntled leakers emerge].

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