Sadly, the media also take a political lens to reporting on the pandemic. As a result, very few reporters have demonstrated much curiosity about what aerosol scientists are saying about transmission of COVID-19. Nor have the media seemed very curious about the impact of COVID-19 on the immune system. As an aside, I'm not writing this comment in response to the note by Susan Carr. It's a coincidence that she's bringing up the latest nonsense from Robert Kennedy, who also has not demonstrated a great deal of curiosity about what the aerosol scientists and neurologists are saying about this disease. When it comes to COVID-19, I prefer to pay attention to the research of Avindra Nath at the National Institutes of Health. Here's an analysis that he co-wrote with a Yale University neurology expeert, which appeared in Science last year. It concerns COVID-19 and brain injuries. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm2052

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I was struck by what the National Citizens Inquiry said about media. I was further struck by what Robert Kennedy tweeted regarding CBC and Canadian media propaganda. So far, that has gone around the world. Nothing you say will influence me regarding media today in Canada. No legacy media can or should be trusted. End of.

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I was appalled that the NCI got very little coverage in the main stream media. This was an important initiative with many excellent speakers, some with unique expertise. Just one example is the Ottawa Citizen-- they gave considerable coverage to the various ad hoc investigations of people affected by the Truck Convoy, but had nothing on NCI, even when hesrings took place in Ottawa. CBC had cursory mention of the Winnipeg hearings, but nothing national as far as I know, and even the Winnipeg mention was a token article. This was s clear signal that the media simply aligns with an agenda-- in the case of Covid the government agenda. We are still being kept in the dark re problems with the vaccines. I have become totally disillusioned with the media and niw resent my tax dollars funding them. There are far more honest and infirmstive sources for keeping abreast of world happenings.

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Obviously the media is almost always driven by the "if it bleeds it leads" factor as people will read the exciting stuff. But, the most vociferous reporting about the CCP interference has been from Terry Glavin. Would it not be fair to challenge his reporting as he has been pounding this drum longer and harder than any reporter I can recall?

Also for balance why is the Trudeau government given a massive pass as if they have been completely innocent of not courting the favours of a despotic regime? A recent quote sums up the Trudeau liberals unwavering focus, "they would drink gas from the nozzle for votes". Trudeau is the champion of apologies....for everyone but himself and party....his actions vis a vis the CCP are inline with every other time they have been called out. Ethics violations, favours for friends, lies, fake election promises, media announcements as policy, destroying industries before any replacements are even in sight, cheque book financial policies and general political sleaze (where lead). With a track record like that the Liberal party does not deserve the benefit of the doubt. The Trudeau Liberals need to start acting like a party that is interested in improving the country and it's citizens lot not just those that share their bubble.

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