"I did a Ph.D. at the London School of Economics on British intelligence and Nazi Germany during the 1930s." It never occurred to me you were that old. You age well.

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I used to think the system was broken and corrupt and needed fixing but now realize that the system was set up this way. The system is working exactly as it designed...for the benefit of some, just not me.

I have a particular interest in Arctic security (or lack thereof). We talk about the US border being the 'longest undefended border in the world" but forget about our neighbour to the north, you know the one regularly flying bombers onto our airspace. I describe Canada, with its vast resources, as the creamy filling in the Oreo. I don't believe that what's left of our military is capable of defending Peterborough much less our Arctic sovereignty or our ocean boundaries.

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I met you in 1988 or 1989, when I took your " Espionage and the Canadian State" evening course at U of T. I was a recent grad in international relations, from Trent. Loved your course and am delighted to be reading your newsletter oh-so-many years on.

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