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Lawyers can be creative in constructing a purported defense to a charge. However, in my view, there is no such thing as a nebulous 'authority' without the support of due, and as formally defined, process. In this instance, there is no process, certainly not one consonant with Orit's rarified level of security clearance, 3E or something well beyond my ken. Even contacting the person he is said to have contacted, without a well-supported operational need and administered process, would be a violation of his oath. No question about that. In this matter, on the day the news of Ortis's charge was announced, I happened to cross paths with an acquaintance who directs an organization that employs intelligence at the highest, and international, level. A glance at his grief-stricken face told me he had just left a meeting at which the fall-out of possible compromise, difficult or impossible to define, was discussed. Which means several allied organizations might well be. compromised. In my view, if the facts of the Ortis matter are found to be as stated, Mr. Otis is 'done', and properly so, however creative the defence lawyers might be.

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