Ah yes the column to debunk and criticize those that apparantly have peddled a great conspiracy theories.

There are no “Hidden Hands”

You know the one that countless leading academics, journalists, intelligence agencies and even a brave politician or two have said

The CCP’s at War with Democracy

Now if you subscribe to the axiom “States have interests” then election interference, manipulation and control of messaging within diaspora communities and outright statecraft sits on the probability charts, at 110%.

Anecdotally A Director of a think tank said to me at the MSC when addressing the political leadership's inability to grasp facts that might upset their corporate and diaspora allegiances is this.

“It’s all conspiracy, until it’s True”

But by then, we are at war.

China, Russia and Iran have been using Hybrid Warfare for a century to undermined democracy and the freedoms it affords.

Join me today www.whistleblowingcanada.com for my talk on the subject

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There shouldn't be a whitewash of CCP interference in Canada, like the Johnston inquiry.

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What a puff piece. Yesterday confirmed that Johnston’s work was as cursory as feared. It also confirmed that Han Dong is a traitor. In any other time and place he’d be in jail.

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I appreciate your patient analysis of the complicated issues here, but I don't understand what you mean when you refer to Trump or "Trumpian". This seems to be some kind of Ottawa shorthand for bellicose or obnoxious political behaviour of a conservative nature - but it's jarring to read.

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Methinks Mr Wark doth protest too much. I remain dubious about how serious this current government is at getting to the bottom of what was really going on. The author mentions "bus loads" of international students from China being brought in to vote for Mr Dong. Why would foreign nationals be interested in voting for a candidate in the LPC? Since they aren't Canadian citizens, they can't vote in our elections (can they?).....this is windrow dressing to get this matter out of the way before the next election, which BTW can't come soon enough.

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The CCP is at war with democracy in Canada, any small misstep is a win for them. The whole Han Dong affair is proof of this, it destabilized society and divided the Liberal cabinet. People are getting upset about the carbon tax, but we have bigger things to worry about this in election, like Iran, China, and Russia destabilizing the country and Canadian society more, before November.

It would not shock me at all if one of those three countries was behind some of the "Axe the Tax" movements on social media. It seems the type of thing that they would be more than happy to do for destabilization, diving the Liberal cabinet, or greater Canadian society.

When you mentioned watching paint dry, it reminded of this clip from "Dinosaurs." The grandmother watching grass grow. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3Bs67968qA)

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