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Perhaps those poor whistleblowers had an interest in assuring that people like yourself who somehow at all costs protect an establishment narrative that protects government malfeasance and corruption through soft power engagement are exposed. The old methodologies for understanding threat vectors are now global and not made in Ottawa and the parameters to which parliamentarians are accountable to the pubic need drastic reform.

A 2000's view on the PRC's commitment to Rule of Law and human rights reforms seems to be why our government was slow rolling its reaction to China's hybrid war operations in Canada. It is clear that the government took decisions on a plethora of public policy initiatives that were favourable to Beijing while certainly accruing some benefit to Canada.

If Han Dong is innocent, then fantastic, but nothing can take away the fact that the PRC installed him through fraud and he became an MP. That is more than enough for most Canadians to ask that he resign from parliament and the Liberals should have known better.

With FARA, the authorities will have a guide on who's who in the zoo and perhaps academics funded thought Chinese proxy companies will also face the music someday.

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I'll speak up for the integrity of our intelligence agencies, and say, when it comes to leaking, I'm against it. I can't understand why they haven't been identified. Unless they have been, and quietly shuffled off. Which I would be quite okay with.

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Please, instead of attacking another journalist or investigator, concentrate on National Security and Intelliegence information and reporting.

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Thanks for the update, but I’m sticking with Sam Cooper. Also, I do believe there is no “e” in a court Judgment.

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Thanks for writing this up Wesley. This is far from the first time that Cooper has made a serious mistake (just last week he was fooled by a still from a movie). Canadians cannot rely on his reporting, and more people need to know that.

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Thanks Wesley. Interested to see how the court case goes. Thanks for the summary of the proceedings. I really appreciate the time and care you have spent to put this together.

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I'm with Sam Cooper as well. I believe his stories and think he is an excellent journalist.

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Bang on, Wesley. Contrary to your other commentators, I am more and more inclined to see a new McCarthyism at work. Of course there is unacceptable PRC interference, just as there was Soviet espionage. But that does not justify wilfully smearing people's reputations. Same goes for the 'name the names' cry about the MPs, without evidence but supposedly guilty on the basis of accusation alone. A good piece on this by Senator Yuen Pau Woo in the October Literary Review of Canada ('A Senator warns of another witch hunt') Of course the Senator will no doubt now himself be the target of 'Commie sympathizer' taunts.

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