I think what the powers that be failed to understand, or see , is that a large number of Canadians had suffered tremendously - because of plain stupidity - that quite honestly, the so called pandemic had more red flags floating around from just about the beginning and that the Wuhan virus was POLITICAl from the get go. That FEAR was driving the issue, and that a sketchy business ( the pharmaceutical industry) stood to gain financially by leaps and bounds.
- Winnipeg lab fiasco
-nullifying and slamming ivermectin ( necessary for the emergency use of a shaky jab)
-Barrington declaration (reasonable approach but crucified and ignored in mass media)
-use of a questionable pcr testing (just about all of them made in China -financial benefits)
-ventilators -someone made a ton of money on that scheme
-questionable Chinese/canadian partnership on vax
-glory holes, masking, plastic barriers,alcohol wipes, six feet distancing
-virtually non existent flu (while attributing all cold/flu like symptoms to being covid )
- complete failure of “mandating” a jab to work, travel, etc
- massive bucks going in to building a made in Canada vax shop in Quebec ( Moderna I believe, )
- kids being threatened with a taser for skating outdoors
-old people dying alone ( unheard of in 40 years of nursing)
-little kids being tortured with pcr tests to attend day care
-failure to identify diagolon as a meme,
-shady pictures of guns as exhibits in Coutts, undercover chicks saying what their handlers expected
-baring churches, arresting preachers
-snitch lines encouraged all across the country
-Doctors threatened with loss of license or heavy fines if they dared speak out, some losing their license for doing so
The covid shenanigans fiasco was a money scam , started out ( I suspect) as a way to blast/cripple Donald Trump, (political) ended up causing massive financial, and sociological damage to a country and to individuals, governments interfering with who came to Christmas dinner.
There were many who pocketed millions, and many who were devastated beyond measure -
The intelligence community failed mightily in recognizing a foreign takeover with barely a shot fired, wether that “foreign take over” was done by a large conglomerate ( big pharma) foreign country, ie China, a handful of incredibly wealthy movers and shakers, ie WEF, or a military operation, -regardless, many suffered- personally I believe the convoy was a breath of fresh air- not a mask in sight and after I lost my job ( no jab, no job) I spent countless hours watching, even donated my 20 bucks which was actually returned to me., but nothing will compensate Dan Hartman for the cardiac death of his 17 year old son 33 days post Pfizer jab, if not for the convoy, saying no to mandates how many more kids would have died?
I think what the powers that be failed to understand, or see , is that a large number of Canadians had suffered tremendously - because of plain stupidity - that quite honestly, the so called pandemic had more red flags floating around from just about the beginning and that the Wuhan virus was POLITICAl from the get go. That FEAR was driving the issue, and that a sketchy business ( the pharmaceutical industry) stood to gain financially by leaps and bounds.
- Winnipeg lab fiasco
-nullifying and slamming ivermectin ( necessary for the emergency use of a shaky jab)
-Barrington declaration (reasonable approach but crucified and ignored in mass media)
-use of a questionable pcr testing (just about all of them made in China -financial benefits)
-ventilators -someone made a ton of money on that scheme
-questionable Chinese/canadian partnership on vax
-glory holes, masking, plastic barriers,alcohol wipes, six feet distancing
-virtually non existent flu (while attributing all cold/flu like symptoms to being covid )
- complete failure of “mandating” a jab to work, travel, etc
- massive bucks going in to building a made in Canada vax shop in Quebec ( Moderna I believe, )
- kids being threatened with a taser for skating outdoors
-old people dying alone ( unheard of in 40 years of nursing)
-little kids being tortured with pcr tests to attend day care
-failure to identify diagolon as a meme,
-shady pictures of guns as exhibits in Coutts, undercover chicks saying what their handlers expected
-baring churches, arresting preachers
-snitch lines encouraged all across the country
-Doctors threatened with loss of license or heavy fines if they dared speak out, some losing their license for doing so
The covid shenanigans fiasco was a money scam , started out ( I suspect) as a way to blast/cripple Donald Trump, (political) ended up causing massive financial, and sociological damage to a country and to individuals, governments interfering with who came to Christmas dinner.
There were many who pocketed millions, and many who were devastated beyond measure -
The intelligence community failed mightily in recognizing a foreign takeover with barely a shot fired, wether that “foreign take over” was done by a large conglomerate ( big pharma) foreign country, ie China, a handful of incredibly wealthy movers and shakers, ie WEF, or a military operation, -regardless, many suffered- personally I believe the convoy was a breath of fresh air- not a mask in sight and after I lost my job ( no jab, no job) I spent countless hours watching, even donated my 20 bucks which was actually returned to me., but nothing will compensate Dan Hartman for the cardiac death of his 17 year old son 33 days post Pfizer jab, if not for the convoy, saying no to mandates how many more kids would have died?