I'm surprised NSCOP raised the intel–evidence challenge to defend government inaction. (It's not their job). After 9/11, the RCMP became reliant on intel leads, and that expectation remains a challenge. Nothing stops them from collecting evidence on their own … it's their job. And yes, prosecutorial will at Justice plays a role. We may see a stronger version with the SOIA amendments.

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An excellent analysis. Balanced. Fair. Thoughtful and informed. Thanks for this

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I keep reading more stuff about FI as it comes out and it makes me feel furious. How do I help as a normal boring Canadian citizen?

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When the party in power has a vested interest in not rocking the boat, why would you expect anything to be done? Maybe the PM wasn't shown the report so he would have plausible deniability.

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I write after having (too briefly!) thought about the issue of whether or not to name names of the - please pardon the expression, but this is the vernacular being used - treasonous MP's and treasonous other political actors.

In truth, to think of them as treasonous without proof is a real stretch in my mind. To think of them as credulous fools is very simple and is, generally speaking, far too generous. There is quite a difference between those two poles and I simply have no way to judge whether MP A is closer to one pole and MP B is closer to the other pole. I will avoid prescribing how to deal with the past "malfeasance" of our political class and, instead, prescribe for the future.

First off, the concept of a Foreign Agent Registry (hereafter "FAR") is absolutely essential. As I understand matters, when (say) a business or NGO lobbies a Minister or civil servant they must report that contact. The FAR legislation MUST include some real teeth.

For example, if a (say) Chinese diplomat contacts in any way a Canadian MP, Minister, civil servant, etc., they MUST under FAR file a report with the Canadian government. If that Chinese diplomat does not so report then we must punish them. We cannot force a Chinese diplomat to follow Canadian law (diplomatic immunity and all that) but we should immediately expel them. Period. Now, there would be certain exceptions, etc. but the idea is clear. Be aware, that such foreign lobbying legislation should apply to all nations, including the US, UK, France and so forth.

Next, that particular Canadian MP MUST file a counterpart report under FAR. If the Canadian does not file within the requisite time frame then that absence (assuming CSIS et al are aware) is automatically made public. Autodoggonematically. Therefore, all Canadians know that MP A met with the Chinese secret service, etc.

It should also be a requirement of the FAR legislation that any assistance to any candidate in a Canadian election from a foreign source (let's not get into issues of a foreign government money laundering, etc. here) must be prohibited.

I would also suggest strongly that only Canadian citizens are allowed to vote in nomination meetings and leadership campaigns because only Canadian citizens are allowed to vote in Canadian general elections - unless the rascals have snuck another change in, that is!

Ultimately, it is clear that I don't trust our various political actors, just as so many Canadians also don't. The fact is that everyone from Prime Minister Face Painter on down have found ever so many ways to disappoint and disgust Canadians with how their hands are out and it is often unclear whether the "service" those Canadians provide is to the benefit of Canada or foreigners. That is putting it ever so politely; so many Canadians know that they believe fully that these rascals have sold us down the river and keep collecting royalties on that sale.

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Canadians are so naive, so afraid to offend, we let ourselves be manipulated. This country is doomed, we are dealing with regimes who are not afraid and pounce on weaklings like Canada. What we need in Canada is a Ministry of the Interior with full powers to take on Canadians including MPs who stray. The RCMP should be restricted to traffic duty and ceremonial with horses. CSIS should be more aggressive and we need a PM who is not a weak noodle like JT.

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