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There was much more to Brendan Miller’s persistence and had the writer been listening to the complaints of many other groups he would have found that very little sleep had been had by most of the lawyers not working for or with the Government of Canada. The federal Government of Canada was doing document dumps on all members of the inquiry the evening of or the day of the interview of the Government official. Most of those files had many redactions that were not subject to cabinet confidence as it did not include the cabinet nor was it with in cabinet meetings. It was thought to be an open and transparent inquiry to give the Federal Government the chance to explain to Canadian’s why they invoked the Emergency Act on their own citizens. Yes, Mr Miller did waste valuable time on something not worth pursuing but his intention were to expose the fact that the Federal Government aides had been communicating with media and were attempting to create a narrative about the convoy before it even arrived. In fact they did just that to which CBC falsely accused the convoy of many things that were the cause of the Emergency Act being put in, but were perpetuated by lies and purposely put out to the public. So perhaps you best go back and look at those documents while you can. This is why I have no faith in the media, the demonizing and divisive Liberal Government and people that spew even more false or ideological, biased writing. It’s not considered journalism as it is not investigative it making up suitable narrative that gives the public your opinion. That the media, the Liberal (Trudeau hired two story tellers) for a reason. Labeled as such to create narratives he wants chumps and people who know no better to spread his misinformation and disinformation around like it’s truth. Do your research. This is a pathetic excuse for someone who is suppose to be unbia

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